Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Way to Start a Day

The other day I was picking out children's books for my sister-in-law who is due in January. These books were used and ragged, but there were many classics - Goodnight Moon, On the Day you Were Born, Eric Carle bookes, etc. I happened across one which is now my new favorite children's book: The Way to Start A Day. The book is a basically about greeting the sun each morning - actually singing a song to celebrate the sun. It talks about how several ancient societies welcomed the sun each morning, always turning their faces towards the sun and singing a little song (that might be some poetic license taken by the author, but still cool).

So, I got Raph out of bed this morning at 5:30 and we went to the shoreline to greet the sun. In near dark, we drove past the house we're considering buying and headed on to the shore. Everytime I've gone to watch a sunrise, I get anxiety that I am going to miss it. The sky starts lighting up, and I think, "I'm missing it. I'm missing it." But we get there and sure enough we haven't missed it and we can greet the sun! Today wasn't a spectacular sunrise, but it didn't matter. To watch the light crawl up the coastline and lie down is pretty great. And Raph laughed at me, but I made him sing a little song.

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