We passed this day
in an ordinary way.
He didn't seem to mind.
Food. Walk. Playground. Beach.
Mama. Brother. Daddy.
What more does a one-year old
I can almost not remember him
and now he can wear a 1 shirt.
He can climb, communicate
(with grunts)
melt me.
He cuddles against us.
Especially Makili.
Melts me.
Like a popsicle actually eaten
one lick at a time
(which Makili actually does)
He's blond now. Willful. Adorable.
Very ticklish.
Wants anything we have - food
Likes a joke. Chooses when to listen.
Loves balls, balloons, vrooming
the cars. SWINGS.
Goes down slides head-first
by himself. Cries.
Does it again.
and Again.
but can almost not remember
this face either.
This also melts me.