Wednesday, July 04, 2012


 So the day after Makili and Remick's birthday party, we attended one of Makili's friend's birthdays.  It was quite a difference from our casual party.  It must have been interesting for some of our friends who were at both parties.  Our party was outside, we grilled, Raph made a treasure hunt that was over a mile!!! (exhausting most of the kids, and all of the parents), there was a messy craft, a few gifts, ghetto games like air golf (which involves throwing a ball through a wire hanger that has been formed into a circle and hung in a tree.)  This party involved a bouncy house, face painting, pizza, dance class, party favors, a huge (in my opinion a little grossly huge) pile of gifts, hula-hooping.  It was very fun too and I enjoyed taking a few shots of our friends with their kids.  And isn't that picture of "jaguar Makili" just breath-taking. 

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