Friday, February 27, 2009

Some more Arkansas shots

Crack kills.

Gabby taught Makili to golf while we were here.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


They say that Makili and Gabrielle are too young to play "together."  I'd say that is definitely not true.  They play hide-n-go-seek.   They give each other turns and watch each other go down the slide.  They draw together.  It is pretty amazing how well they get along.  They have similar temperaments - both observers, emotionally tuned into other people, both gentle.  Makili sees a lot of other children in a given week between the kids I babysit for and the kids at the family resource center where we spend some mid-week time, and I've never seen him get along with any other child so well.  It is uncanny and ridiculously cute.  

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yesterday Makili turned 20 months and strung two words together for the first time. Byebye duck! (When the ducks walked away from him.) That doesn't sound too exciting but it's a big developmental milestone in language, which hasn't been his advanced subject. He's been talking so much more lately, and having his BFF Gabby around who is a huge chatterbox has helped too. I think I'll try to list words I hear him say regularly, though I know I'll forget some.

Dada (mama makes a very occassional appearance)
I LOVE You (which sounds nothing like I love you, but is damn cute nonetheless)
Thank you

ps: I'll post some more pictures of Makili and his best bud Gabby soon.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Arkansas: Part I

We're visiting Gabe, Laura, and Gabrielle in Arkansas, enjoying the 50 degree weather and living it up in general on vacation, a needed vacation after a stressful month.  Here are a few pictures (since they have a functioning camera) with more to follow.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

On Stage

I cannot begin to describe how stressful this month has been. Really i can't even begin. But tonight was Raph's shining moment - his beauty pageant, a chance to compete for the title of Mr. DHS (Dover High School). There was a choreographed dance, displays of western wear and summer wear, an interview, and of course the talent. Raph used his ninja guise all the while. He wore his ninja costume with cowboy boots, and then with his swimming trunks on top. But for his talent, little Makili got to show his stuff. Dressed like a ninja as well, and super tired, Makili loved being on stage. He never actually did all the hi-ya ninja moves that we had practiced in the hall but he was still super cute toting dad around the stage and even said "bye" into the microphone when his show was over. I was so proud!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It doesn't take much...

It doesn't take much warmth to make a difference. Enough to melt the snow on the roof of the shed, creating little puddles full of rocks that Makili can play in. It is so nice that when he is bored with the toys inside he gets shoes and a jacket and points to the door.

It doesn't take much soy milk in Makili's hair to look super-stylish.

It doesn't take playing the song "the wheels on the bus" too many times before I want to shoot myself, but Makili never seems to hear it too much and he just rolls his hands in a circle emphatically asking me for more of that particular song.

It doesn't take much...

Saturday, February 07, 2009

We Showered.

These are the last picture I took on my camera before I broke my lens, which may account for why I've procrastinated so much in posting them. But we had a terrific time at Amanda's shower - eating awesome food cooked by Connie, playing fun games organized by Jayme (want to guess who won the poetry contest?), and watching Amanda open her lovely gifts. It was a great time!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Go Steelers!

I felt pretty fortunate to be in Pgh for Superbowl weekend.  So I had to get Makili a Polamalu t-shirt and some pompoms to get him pumped up.  So we listened to all the Steeler fight songs this morning and got ready for the big game tonight.  It was pretty awesome.  Makili, as you can see, knew just what to do.

Scenes from the Strip

To start I want to share the news that I broke my portrait lens yesterday.  I don't want to talk about it because I'm still very upset, but I want you to know because once I get the pictures I've already taken posted, there won't be any for a while.  So here we in "Here we go...Steelers.  Here We GO!"

We went down to the Strip yesterday morning in subarctic temperatures to land some Steeler gear and some goodies to eat while watching the superbowl.  Amanda came cute and pregnant, and Emily and Caroline came with their watchful eyes for goodies.  Mostly they were into the snacks - the cream horns, the cookies, the salsa, the dips, and then all the stuff they didn't buy - the mung bean pan cakes, the sausages, the breads...  

There weren't nearly as many people as there were three years ago when we went, but I'm blaming that on the fricking unbelievable cold.  Our toes were unprepared and kept steering us back to the car...but it was fun to be there for a little while.