I'm headed to California tomorrow morning before the crack of dawn for training for work and to see my sister and the rest of the fam. I left the following to do list for Raph. I thought it would be helpful to post it here in case he loses it. It is a pretty reasonable list of things to accomplish with no baby around. I'd be able to get it all done if it was me.
1. Clean entire house.
2. Install wood stove
3. Put walkway down (happy birthday)
4. Move and finish vegetable stand
5. Put up greenhouse
6. Check tomatoes (inside and out)
7. Water plants
8. Install new windows
9. Put on 2nd story addition
10. Get rocks from Tim's house for new garden beds.
11. Put in new garden beds.
12. Weed whack
13. Take care of dehydrated tomatoes.
14. Call your wife every day
15. Change brakes and rotors on the Jeep